Congressman Explains Military Religious Freedom Bill
On FoxNews (video), US Rep John Fleming (R-La) said the NDAA clause the House passed and the Senate cleared through the Armed Services committee says that: …military members are fully entitled to...
View ArticleCatholics Support Military Religious Freedom Coalition
Archbishop for the Military Services, Rev. Timothy Broglio, announced his support of the recent coalition advocating for religious freedom in the US military: The Archdiocese congratulates the Family...
View ArticleMRFF Threatens Lawsuit over Military Religious Liberty Bill
Michael Weinstein has threatened to file a lawsuit if Congress passes the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act with the religious liberty amendment intact. Weinstein said that he would immediately...
View ArticleCongressman Calls Idea of Atheist Chaplain “Total Nonsense”
Update: The House passed the Appropriations bill along with the amendment referenced below requiring chaplains to have endorsers — effectively prohibiting non-theistic chaplains (along with any new...
View ArticleNon-Theists Argue Titles, Chaplain Amendment
In a revealing outcry, many “non-religious” persons have criticized the vote by the US House to prevent non-religious personnel from becoming chaplains. In that vein, atheist Jason Torpy has tried to...
View ArticleAtheist Chaplain Canard Continues
Ever since US Rep Jared Polis (D-Co) tried to specifically authorize atheist chaplains in the US military there has been one misrepresentation after another over what the government is “required” to...
View ArticleCommander Threatens Soldier for Religious Facebook Post
As noted at FoxNews, a Colorado Springs-based US servicemember posted her opinion on Facebook — and has been threatened by her commander as a result: The soldier, who is an evangelical Christian, said...
View ArticleCommander: Troops Ordered Not to Have Opinion on DADT
According to an ongoing story covered at FoxNews, Utah Air National Guard TSgt Layne Wilson was reprimanded after writing a letter to a West Point chaplain regarding a post-DADT chapel ceremony, which...
View ArticleUS Army Orders Halt to Christian Extremist Briefings
The Liberty Institute, the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, and the Family Research Council — all members of the Restore Military Religious Freedom Coalition — successfully waged a campaign to...
View ArticleChris Rodda, Mikey Weinstein Go Off Script on Religious Freedom
Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation believes the 2014 NDAA language requiring the US military to accommodate religious expression — not just religious belief — is “a good...
View ArticleCongressmen Criticize US Military Religious Liberty Implementation
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman John Fleming (R-La) recently wrote a letter to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that was critical of the way the Department of Defense has implemented the...
View ArticleGeneral Welsh: No Religious Persecution in US Air Force
Update: Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council released the following statement in response to General Welsh’s testimony [italics original]: “The perception is that Mikey Weinstein is setting the...
View ArticleAir Force Drafts Instruction to Strengthen Religious Liberty
In an interesting comparison on perspective, the Washington Times noted near the end of May that some were making an effort to “push [the] military for more religious liberty,” including members of...
View ArticleUS House Again Adopts Bill to Ban Atheist Chaplains
Update: Jason Torpy, UCC endorser Stephen Boyd, and US Army Major Ryan Jean have announced their intentions to provide a briefing to Congress on the need for a humanist/atheist chaplain. Their...
View ArticleCongressional Hearing on Military Religious Freedom, Hostility
As previously noted, the House Armed Services subcommittee on personnel invited five civilian witnesses to provide testimony on the state of religious freedom in the US military last Wednesday....
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